
Why choose me as a business coach ?

I give you access to :

    • years of experience and knowledge about the very best management practices.
    • a perspective which allows for easier decision-making
    • high level strategic input
    • my ability to find effective and lasting solutions;
    • support aimed at acquiring skills and the knowledge to apply them;
    • an approach that promotes team solidarity

    A tested method to unleash your full potential as a person and entrepreneur

    My coaching method relies on the development of three aspects which are essential to the success of a leader and its business endeavours.

    1. Better self-awareness, in order to rely on one’s strengths, knowing which people to include in your close circle (and put your ego aside!);
    2. Greater competence as a business leader so as to apply the very best business practices.

    Greater clarity when communicating with your team, partners and customers

    Your coaching options


    • 1 start-up session
    • 13 weeks of personalized coaching

    How you benefit :

    • Greater confidence in your abilities as a leader;
    • Better expertise in business practices ;
    • Ability to clarify issues ;
    • Greater commitment from your team and business partners.

    Strategic planning

    2-day retreat or a series of five workshops

    How you benefit :

    • An essentiel step back to help take good decisions.
    • Confirmation of your purpose
    • Validation of your business differentiators
    • Business model assessment
    • Increased mobilization of staff, customers and other contributors

    One-time workshop

    Intensive workshop on a specific subject

    How you benefit (based on selected topic):

    • An audit of your management practices
    • An assessment of and tips to improve your leadership
    • Optimization of a component of your business model for quick gain

    How much does it cost ?


    Individual coaching

    $150 to $250 / hour

    Executive team coaching

    $250 to $500 / hour, depending on selected package




    Guaranteed value creation

    I undertake to generate miniumum 10 times the amount of my fee in winnings for my clients¹.

    I will refund without hesitation if this is not the case.

    ¹ During the first year of a mandate, the potential gains for a client – whether it be income, lowered operating costs, etc. – will correspond to at least ten times the amount of my fees. This gain will increase to 300% in the subsequent years.


    « L’une des multiples forces de Daniel est sa capacité à nous convaincre de remettre en question nos biais, ce qui nous ouvre les yeux sur un monde de possibilités sur les plans opérationnel, financier et humain. »

    Albert Musuele, CPA, CA, MBA
    Chef de la direction financière
    Artika For Living Inc.